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- Fat? Always Tired? No Sex Drive? This is Why (feat. Jay Campbell of TRT Revolution)
Fat? Always Tired? No Sex Drive? This is Why (feat. Jay Campbell of TRT Revolution)

Important disclaimer: This blog post contains information about Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The information is not advice, and should not be treated as such. You must not rely on the information in this blog post as an alternative to medical advice from an appropriately qualified medical professional. If you have specific questions about any matter you should consult an appropriately qualified medical professional. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this blog post.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) for Beginners
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In this episode of the Becoming the Alpha Muslim podcast I interview Jay Campbell, the founder of TRT Revolution and Fab Fit Over 40.
This interview is an introduction to Testosterone Replacement Therapy for those unfamiliar with the subject.
It serves as a supplement to my review of Jay’s book, “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to Optimize Your Testosterone for Lifelong Health and Happiness.”
Topics discussed
Who is Jay Campbell?
What was going on in Jay’s life that was the catalyst for him to write the book?
What is testosterone and what is its function in the male body?
Why is there such a stigma around “testosterone?” Are we fed a lot of misinformation?
What are some of the most common myths around taking testosterone?
I feel fine. Why is it important for me to know my testosterone levels?
Isn’t lower testosterone just a natural result of aging? Young guys are fine, right?
How does the environment affect our testosterone levels?
What are the most noticeable symptoms of low testosterone?
If I want to get my testosterone levels checked, where should I go?
Are the general population of doctors aware of how to diagnose and treate low testosterone?
Do you recommend any doctors or services in USA, Canada, or UK?
If I am diagnosed as having low testosterone, can’t I just fix it via lifestyle changes? What changes should I make?
I’ve seen testosterone boosting supplements in the store? Do those work?
What are the most effective treatments available right now?
Other than reading your book, what other resources do you recommend for people who want to do more research?
The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual is available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and Audible formats.
You can also find Jay’s work on TRT Revolution and Fab Fit Over 40, and interact with him on Twitter.
If you have any questions the best way to get in touch with Jay is to email him at jay [at] trtrevolution [dot] com (it may take him a few days to get back to you.)
Jay also has a supplement company, Optimized Life Nutrition, that currently offers an over-the-counter noortropic called Energy – Memory – Focus. (Note: I haven’t used this supplement myself and can’t speak to its efficacy. I’m only mentioning it for completeness.)

Book Review: The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual
About the author
Jay Campbell is a champion physique competitor and a 15-year TRT patient.
Over the years he has helped thousands of men reclaim their health and masculinity via his articles, podcasts, webinars, seminars, and newsletters.
Well into his 40s, Jay maintains an impressive physique and looks 10x better than a lot of men half his age.
There are probably only a handful of people in the entire World who know as much about TRT or have as much experience with it as Jay Campbell.
He compiled the Definitive TRT Manual because no authoritative book on the topic existed.
We need to understand there’s a problem
The first thing Campbell does is alert you to a huge f***ing problem.
Testosterone levels have been declining in men for the past 20+ years.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, Estrogen Dominance, which is a hormonal state used to describe menopausal women, is also affecting more and more men.
Estrogen-mimicking compounds are all around us and absorbed into our bodies in various ways.
Female hormones from the birth control pill are in our water supplies, FFS.
There are over 10,000 studies documenting the effects of environmental estrogen on health.
Then, on top of all of that, the media demonizes the use of testosterone in hormone replacement therapy.
So, let me get this straight.
If a woman wants to take the birth control pill, which is hormone therapy, that’s OK.
(EVEN THOUGH it has nasty side-effects and we’re only just beginning to understand its negative effect on women’s health.)
(AND EVEN THOUGH they’ve been pissing out those hormones into the water supply for decades, causing the slow but inevitable chemical castration of hundreds of millions of men.)
If a mentally ill girl thinks she’s a boy and wants to take testosterone to change her sex/gender, that’s OK.
(EVEN THOUGH up to 50% of transgender people are so disturbed they end up attempting suicide.)
BUT if a man who is experiencing terrible quality of life wants to take testosterone to feel normal, that’s NOT OK?
Instead, he gets prescribed anti-depressants that screw up his brain and erectile dysfunction drugs.
WTF is going on here?
What’s the big deal, Nabeel?
Campbell goes on to explain how vitally important optimal testosterone levels are in the life of men.
Testosterone is a hormone naturally produced by your body.
It is responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of biological processes in the bodies of men and women.
It is literally the substance that makes men, men.
reduces body fat
increases muscle mass
improves heart health
increases bone density
combats age-related cognitive diseases
increases sex drive
improves confidence
improves cognition and mood
increases competitiveness and risk-taking
When you have low testosterone, these are the symptoms:
Mental fog/inability to focus
Lack of energy
Decreased work performance
Decreased sex drive or ability to reach orgasm
Decreased strength or endurance
Decreased “enjoyment of life”
Noticeable change in behavior
Campbell also explains what “normal” testosterone levels are and how they are measured.
He also covers how much testosterone declines with age, but this decline is a moot point given the environmental hormonal onslaught men face today.
He notes that today many young men in their late teens and early 20s are experiencing symptoms of low testosterone.
Do your own research
Campbell repeatedly stresses people do their own research to better understand their body and needs before going down the path of TRT.
Now you’ve mentioned it, I have been feeling pretty s***y the past few months
The first step is a blood test.
Campbell recommends every man over 30 get annual blood work done to understand their baseline biological markers, particularly if they experience 4 or more of the aforementioned symptoms.
This recommendation stands for younger men who experience symptoms of low testosterone.
To get your blood work done you have a few options.
If you are in the U.S.A, this is what my buddy Alexander Juan Antonio Cortes recommends.
DirectLabs – affordable option
CHEKD – pricey, but they provide white-glove service
Your primary care physician
If you are in the U.K., Jay Campbell recommends Balance My Hormones.
If you want to know about services and physicians in other countries who can help you, you need to do a bit of research and ask around. And send Jay an email, maybe he has connections.
Once you have the results of your blood work you need to have a discussion with your doctor.
If he lacks knowledge on TRT you should find a doctor who has more knowledge and experience.
Campbell provides a resource for finding a doctor, TRTDoctors.com, but you should do your own research too.
Campbell notes that a good TRT doctor will not just go by the testosterone levels in your blood work (because testosterone levels are classified as “normal” in a very wide range) but will use your blood work and your symptoms to determine whether you qualify for TRT.
Getting treatment for low testosterone
Campbell is very clear that starting TRT is a lifelong commitment that requires financial stability.
For this reason, he doesn’t recommend it for men in their early 20s because they probably can’t afford the treatment and related costs.
It goes without saying that this applies to any man who doesn’t have the means to commit to TRT.
Campbell goes over several non-injectable treatment options and explains why they are bad options from an efficacy and lifestyle standpoint:
transdermal creams and gels
pellets surgically implanted in your buttocks
patches that you stick on your shaved scrotum
losinges that you place in your mouth between your gums and cheek
He then goes over the injectable options, describes their pros and cons, and gives his recommendations:
testosterone cypionate
testosterone enanthanate
testosterone undecanoate
testosterone propionate
Based on his 15-years of experience with every TRT delivery system, Campbell believes intramuscular injections are the most effective way to optimize testosterone levels.
Campbell notes that which injectable formulation you use will depend on what availability, price, and lifestyle preferences (e.g. someone who doesn’t like needles will use a formulation that lasts longer in the body.)
However, from an efficacy standpoint, testosterone propionate is the best because more of it is absorbed into the body than the other formulations.
Bro, is this even halal?
The general principle is that all Worldly matters are halal until proven haram.
We have already discussed the environmental factors at play causing abnormal decline in testosterone levels in men.
Campbell does a good job framing the ethical dilemma, and I quote:
There are no limits to the factors working against you – stress, diet, pollution, age, popular culture, etc.
If you don’t stand up for yourself, who else will?
This is a silent pandemic.
The vast majority of men aren’t even aware low testosterone is an issue.
Your friends and family, and likely even yourself, have been conditioned through the mass media to believe “using testosterone is cheating,” “drugs are bad,” and “getting old is just an accepted part of life.”
While this book is not meant to be a treatise disputing the current war on drugs, let me put it to you this way:
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then please understand the morality is no different when restoring the hormone that best defines your masculinity.
It’s just like waking up in the morning and making a cup of coffee so your can start your day with a little caffeine.
TRT is a scientifically proven and acceptable treatment.
While it has not yet gained widespread social acceptance, remember great men never follow the herd.
You owe it to yourself to consider the program outlined in this book

Finding a good TRT doctor
Campbell notes that hormone optimization is not standard patient care, so the overwhelming majority of doctors know next-to-nothing about it.
He recommends taking advice from doctors who are on TRT themselves and exhibit the benefits you seek – basically someone who practices what he preaches.
The other thing to consider is long-term cost – can you afford the physician’s consultation fees, are they covered by your health insurance etc.
Avoiding side effects
Campbell recommends becoming a student of your own body – keeping detailed files on your biomarkers and taking notes on how your body reacts and changes to medication.
He notes the biggest issue in mitigating and avoiding potential side effects from TRT is managing estrogen levels via prescribed medications.
He also discusses metabolic syndrome, which is basically a vicious cycle where being fat turns testosterone into estrogen, which in turn makes you store more fat. This is managed via exercise and nutrition.
Which biomarkers to keep a close eye on
While you will be working with a competent physician, Campbell recommends that you personally monitor the following biomarkers closely via yearly or, better yet, twice-yearly blood panels:
Blood pressure
CBC-Hemoglobin or hematocrit (H/H)
Comprehensive metabolic panel
Lipid panels
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) value
Digital rectal examp (DRE)
Estradiol (E2)
C-Reactive Protein
Campbell explains what these are and how often to test for them in the book.
Training and Nutrition while on TRT
Going on TRT won’t do s*** for you if you live a piss-poor, unhealthy lifestyle.
Campbell discusses appropriate nutrition, strength and cardiovascular training while on TRT.
He gives you specific caloric requirements and macronutrient ratios if you want to maintain your weight, lose body fat, or gain lean mass.
He provides supplement recommendations and tells you what to avoid eating and drinking.
For strength training, he recommends training in a bodybuilding style with a focus on mind-muscle connection and learning how to properly contract your muscles.
For cardio, he recommends low-impact endurance work 2-5x per week depending on body fat levels.
Understand that the vast majority of us are not going to be competitive athletes.
It follows that our training should focus more on overall health and longevity – our priority should be to stay injury free and in the gym for our entire lives.
Questions from readers and testimonials from clients
Throughout the second half of the book, Campbell features dozens of reader questions, along with his answers, arranged topically and succeeding the relevant chapters.
Campbell also features testimonials from clients with before and after pictures.
Interview with Dr. Brett Osborn
Dr. Brett Osborn is a board-certified neurosurgeon with certifications in anti-aging and regenerative medicine.
Even though he has performed over 1,500 complex brain and spine operations, he readily incorporates non-surgical modalities into his practice, emphasizing proper nutrition, hormonal optimization and strength training.
He is the author of GET SERIOUS: A Neurosurgeon’s Guide to Optimal Health and Fitness, which Campbell highly recommends.

Dr. Brett Osborn. Looks like he lifts. [Source]
Should I buy the Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual?
I recommend waiting for the updated “All New Advanced Strategies Edition” to come out and buy that instead.
In the meantime, subscribe below to get the free pdf.
Oh, and if you have any questions, leave a comment below and I’ll ask Jay to drop by and answer them when he has time.

BONUS: My appearance on Jay Campbell’s TRT Revolution podcast
I speak to Jay about the effect of West-to-East cultural transfer on health in Muslim societies. Enjoy!