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  • 🔪 TikTok Da'ee Chopped Man Up, Stuffed Him in Suitcase

🔪 TikTok Da'ee Chopped Man Up, Stuffed Him in Suitcase

Plus: Haqiqatjou on PBD Podcast, Return of Abu Nasiha

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Bismillah. We’ve got some bangers lined up for you. Before we get started we have to say, isn’t it interesting how low-consciousness many online Muslims are? You’ll see many examples in today’s stories. In this issue:

  • This Islamic speaker’s videos keep getting promoted by social media algorithms but it turns out he has a shocking past

  • Now there’s a better way to send and receive charitable donations that eliminates middlemen for good

  • Muslim doctor lists 63 paternal grandfathers going back to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) and the “first Arab”

  • Making money is easy when you know how. But it’s much harder to keep it and grow it. Alex Becker explains

  • Understand “money” from the Muslim perspective using these 4 books

“It’s a really well-written book that hits home, that’s what I’d say, for any man who’s got any self-consciousness about himself as a man.”
Malek H, father

“I completed reading the 40 hadith on masculinity book today, and mashaa Allah, it is the best book on the topic I have found in English.”
Ismail Kamdar, Islamic Self-Help author and teacher

“I feel like women who are in my position who are searching for an ideal partner definitely you should read this book… I set up my online marriage profile with it too… And I also use this book as a guide to make questions to ask these men to see what type of man they are.”
Huda S, single Muslim woman

💰 Money

Muslim Bitcoiner @MBitcoiner lists his favourite books written by Muslims on the subject of money. We’ve heard of a few of these, the others are new. When you understand what money is you’ll understand why Bitcoin is the hardest, soundest money that’s ever existed.

A new article by Islamic Marketplace shows how you can eliminate middlemen (charity organizations) and give your zakat and sadaqa directly to the people who need it. The writer also shows you exactly how to do it using the Lightning protocol.

Once you learn how to make money, getting it becomes easy. It’s the keeping it and growing it that’s hard. These are 3 different skill sets: making, keeping, growing. They really ought to be taught in school. One thing that happens when you start seeing some financial success is you get complacent and think the good times will never end. But they always do. This post by entrepreneur Alex Becker (9-figure net worth) will show you what to look out for.

🧔 Culture

This is one of the best things about Arabs and Islam. We care about tradition. Dr. Abud Bakri shared a scroll containing his entire family tree going back to Adnan (the progenitor of one of the two original Arab tribes.) Dr. Bakri listed every ancestor going back 2,500 years, one of whom is Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him.) As if that weren’t noble enough, according to Bakri his mother is Sayyid i.e. descended from Rasulullah ﷺ. This man has some next level pedigree.

British adventurer Lord Miles is alive and well, according to friends who’ve gained access to his X account. Miles is being well cared for by the Afghan authorities and is in fine spirits. Apparently he wants to open a gold mine. Inshallah, Miles. Inshallah.

Congratulations to Daniel and Jake for a superb performance, trouncing Anti-Muslim bigot Robert Spencer and apostate “Brother” Rachid. You can always tell how well Haqiqatjou did versus an opponent by watching the post-debate meltdown. And boy did Spencer and Rachid deliver. Even Patrick Bet David said something about their crybaby antics.

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🧕🏻 Women

According to this reference, in the Hanafi madhab it is makruh for a wife to call her husband by her name. She should refer to him by some term of endearment or respect. Normalize bints greeting their husbands with, “gm King.”

Some might say calling it da’wah is a stretch but the truth is, she needed to hear it. Make dua for SNEAKO. He’s surrounded by bad influences but we can see he’s trying to do better. Our number one piece of advice for our brother SNEAKO is to make sure he’s praying his five daily prayers on time. It’s best if he prays them all in the masjid. But if that’s not possible, then at least Fajr and Isha. Tazkiyah (purification) happens in the masjid. May Allah guide SNEAKO to that which pleases Him, amin.

🥸 Abu Nasiha Returns

This question came up in the Muslim Fathers Support forum.

My wife applied for a sole application divorce. We have been married for 11 years with 2 young children. She has refused family therapy before the divorce application and now she is refusing to have mediation for financial order and child arrangements. She does not want to meet up to discuss this, but would rather do this via text or email which is frustrating. For those that have been in my situation, what is the next best step to move forward amicably? Especially worried for the kids. I appreciate it may not be professional advice but just trying to explore my options.

The questioner received many responses. Some advised him to get lawyers involved but he’s reluctant. Here’s one that caught our eye.

The woman you married doesn't exist. Deal with the woman in front of you today. Given the opportunity, she'll take you to the cleaners. Refused counseling, refused mediation, doesn't want to discuss in person... and you still want to be amicable. How can you protect your children when you're unwilling to protect yourself? Put your own oxygen mask on first. Lawyer up. Communicate through lawyers only. If she can't afford a lawyer, pay for her lawyer too. So there can be no perception of unfairness when this goes to court. And it will go to court, except by Allah's leave.

A few weeks later the man is posting Islamic reminders in the group and when asked whether he’s gotten a lawyer yet, he says no.

…trying my best to steer clear away from it as much as possible and try to resolve it in other ways.

Some people don’t want to be helped. We’ve also seen this with Muslim men who are trying to get married and want to do a prenup. But instead of paying for a lawyer to draft a proper document, they’re asking in forums if anyone has a prenup template they can use. Imbeciles.

By the way if you live in the USA the Lead Attorney on YouTube has some good videos explaining prenups and how to make sure they hold up in court. And people say prenups don’t hold up in the UK but this video from a UK solicitor claims otherwise. We need a comprehensive resource covering all these options for men in different non-Muslim countries.

🔪 Shahid K. Bolsen Chopped a Man Up, Stuffed Him in a Suitcase & Attempted to Dispose of the Body by Driving it Across Borders

Bloody hell. When Haqiqatjou mentioned this in response to Bolsen attacking him, our first thought was, we knew it! We knew something was off about him ever since he attacked the Tates. Well as it turns out Haqiqatjou was not exaggerating and Bolsen really did do all that and more! In fact, according to The National newspaper he was convicted of murder and was on death row until his sentence was reduced to manslaughter. Somehow, he was let free.

If you have no idea who Bolsen is, he’s a TikTok intellectual whose videos have been aggressively promoted by social media algorithms, seemingly out of nowhere. We’d never even heard of Bolsen until a few months ago. What really pisses us off about this mf is the audacity with which he attacks the Tates for their past, while he himself has committed atrocities the Tates would never come close to. Get absolutely falafeled. Muppet.

Here’s the deal: if Muslims are going to give Bolsen a pass–and we don’t care if they do–they better for damn sure give Andrew Tate a pass too. Or else they’re hypocrites.

اللهم ارنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا اتباعه وارنا الباطل باطلا وارزقنا اجتنابه

O Allah! reveal to us the Truth as true, and inspire us to follow it. And reveal to us Falsehood as false, and inspire us to reject it.

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